Best Steps to Introduce Kids to Technology

As a superintendent or teacher in charge of kids, you have a task to balance the use of technology. There are adverse effects of technology on children. Yet, we can’t take away technology from the kids. The entire world revolves around the use of technology. And there are ways to get kids to use technology while avoiding the adverse effects.

For kids to catch up with the technology-driven world we live in, we should introduce them early. Here are some of the best steps to onboard the kids in your care with the use of technology.

Meanwhile, as you introduce the kids to technology, here are some tips that we have for you.

  • Don’t let their use of technology affect their social skills
  • Make sure to track the kids’ use of the internet.
  • Be aware that the use of technology can prevent quality sleep.
  • Excessive use of tech can lead to unhealthy habits.

Choose the Right Tools

Educational materials that are age-appropriate for the kids are best.  Download games that will boost their memory and enhance technology or offline learning. Hardcover books are great. But allowing a child to perform supervised activities is a great way to introduce them. Source for expert and age-appropriate learning tools for these kids. Organize digital art classes and allow them to use their creativity the right way.

Attach Value to Screen Time

Kids are intelligent, more than we can ever imagine, even the timid ones. They understand what we’re trying to do and follow through with it. Hence, attaching good value to screen time can spur safe interactions with devices. Introducing tech only for specific and controlled activities can help kids be discerning. You could use technology only for game times and specific learning sessions. Also, try keeping the activities to controlled periods.

Set the Right Example

Monkey see monkey do. Children are among the best copycats in the world. They grasp the things that they see around them. Kids spend the most time of their lives at home and in schools, and they pick up the habits that they see in these places. Hence as a child educator, you need to set the right example and encourage parents to do the same. You can’t tell kids to do what you need them to do by saying. Back it up with action too. Let them see you pay full attention when you don’t need to be using your device. They’ll learn to do the same.

Introduce Technology at the Recommended Age

According to the American Academy of Paediatrics, you shouldn’t expose kids to technology before age two. The reason for this is addiction. Introducing kids to technology too is like making it part of their life. As they grow older, kids should learn to separate themselves from their devices. Early exposure and eventual addiction can rob kids of quality communication skills. Kids might be able to grasp technology skills fast. It will help them stand out tomorrow but don’t succumb to the temptation to introduce it too early.

See technology as a digital environment for your kids. While introducing them to this new world, paying attention to their physical environment is crucial. Gadgets don’t need to be a replacement for your presence in their life.

Discover the right tech resources for your kids here.


school principal with students walking behind her

Why Leadership Buy-In is Key for Tech in K-12 Schools

As technology becomes integral in education, the role of leadership buy-in in K-12 school systems cannot be understated. Leadership buy-in refers to the endorsement and support of decision-makers-school administrators, principals, board members, etc.-for the integration and implementation of technology in schools. Leadership buy-in impacts several critical aspects of tech integration: Vision and Planning: Leaders shape the […]

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Zachary Marvel photo
Zachary Marvel

Zachary Marvel joined the team in 2017 with the goal of growing K-12 Tech on a national level. While studying economics at Ball State University, Zach observed the increasing demand for local electronics repair services. In 2012, Zach started his first electronics repair company, expanding to three walk-in repair locations and working with a handful of the surrounding school districts to repair their student devices. Upon graduating, Zach commissioned as a finance officer in the Army National Guard. Zach continued to grow both his walk-in repair businesses as well as his school focused operations, and within three years time, the business was servicing over 30 school districts. His vision for K-12 Tech is to create the first full-service electronics repair company in the K-12 industry.

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